Sunday, 27 March 2022

Leslyn: A New And Improved Campaign?

As some of you will already know, when I filled out my ranked ballot last time, |I put Leslyn second, like a lot of other people. I put MacKay first.

I must say that it's pretty gutzy for her to run again. Quite obviously, Team Lewis is going to build on the last campaign autopsy and see where they went wrong, if they did. The other thing that's likely will be preparing their supporters for Strategy A and Strategy B. None of you need any help in knowing what Strategy A will be and is all about. Strategy B is, of course, TheGoToTM strategy. For maximum impact, Leslyn would have to bring at least 90% of her people with her to become king-maker. 

But that's the also-ran strategy, not the main focus of her campaign. If Leslyn is in, it's because she wants to win and so she'll adjust her political strategy accordingly. She will no doubt look to political history both in Canada and the United States for tips. Why did some campaigns win big and why did others only win because of a couple of factors in an otherwise extremely close race?

I'm for Charest but I'm still looking forward to see what her strategists come up with. Leslyn has always been for a big tent campaign with respect across the board for all points of view, including those she does not share personally.'s my prediction: at worst, Lewis improves her final position in this race as opposed to last time. If she gets the wind in her sails, it will suddenly be a battle for number two as number one likely plateaus on the second round of ballot ranking. 

Then it becomes all about relationships and alliances made before party members vote. If her supporters know the endgame before we vote and more importantly, are okay with it, then anything becomes possible, at least in theory.

Remember that Joe and Flora was designed to work both ways when in fact it didn't. But it was a sound piece of strategy nonetheless. Leslyn is likely to be a think-out-of-the-box candidate and as such, the other major candidates in this race better take her deadly seriously. Quite literally, anything can happen as final outcome in this leadership race. Watch Lewis go and wait for more than likely major surprises.

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