Saturday, 26 March 2022

What Will Peter Do Now?

Now that I've reached a decision given the fact that Peter is out, it naturally flows from that that I wonder where MacKay is going to end up. I can see two possible scenarios: the first hinges on whether Peter is at least open to running again in Central Nova. Here, the family dynamic will be important. He either stays or goes, maybe even back to Toronto?

If Peter runs next time, IMHO, all the more reason to consider embracing the Charest campaign. Charest is, at the very least, middle-of-the-road, while others such as yours truly consider him as a Red Tory. Charest and his people need to see the big picture and be proactive about that: you know, a big blue wave that starts out in Atlantic Canada and moves westward. Hello! Who's the guy most likely to get that wave generated and off the ground? Why MacKay, if he's interested that is.

Personally, I'm biased as hell but IMHO, it would be a crying shame if Peter was out for good. He has so much more to give to Canada in his political career and would make not only a good fit with Charest but also would reasonably dovetail Jean when it comes to policy and the federal government's role in the overall scheme of things.

So...whatever Peter decides, it will and should be respected. But IMHO, Peter needs to join Team Jean rather than support any of the other candidates. I guess we'll find out soon enough which way MacKay ultimately goes.

Peter MacKay is many things but one thing he's definitely not is being politically irrelevant or yesterday's guy. That's what I'm counting on. In my perfect hockey world, I see Peter and Jean passing the puck to each other as they break for the net. With both of them going hard at it, how can the puck not go in?

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