Sunday, 3 July 2022

Canada: Nixonian Vs. Trumpian.

That's the biggest danger to our democracy and country: parties and individuals who dwell in the recepts of Trumpism, or worse yet, Nixonism. These types quite deliberately go there with relish and see absolutely nothing wrong with that. Like I said, that puts our parliamentary democracy in terrible, terrible danger.

So...there comes a point where you give up on these people, you no longer show them the road to political sanity and consensus and you finally believe them when they repeatedly show you who they truly are as per Maya Angelou: “When someone shows you who they are believe them, the first time.”

No matter how many times you bring that horse to water, it still refuses to drink the wisdom of common sense and tent-building. It quite deliberately chooses to exact a political war by division and potentially scorched-earth policy. Country comes last rather than first and democracy is used as a tool to propel the efforts of negative wedge policies that pit one Canadian against another. 

Scorned are the better angels of our nature and a new low is reached in politics with gusto. That's not my Canada, not the Canada I live in nor the one most of you live in either. But the political horse perceives itself as all knowing and of a higher stature, capable of telling the rest of us what we should believe, not to mention what's justifiable and right in politics.

By all means, those of you who must, go with that but count me out. No ladies and gentlemen, Pogo was not right.  We Have Met the Enemy, and He is [only a few of] Us. 

Down the slippery slope to potential dictatorship Canadians will not go. Not the horse, or anyone else, will ever get an opportunity to theoretically take all of us there. Never.

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