Sunday, 3 July 2022

Poilièvre Keeps Digging Towards All But Certain Defeat...He's The NEXT O'Toole.

Quite obviously, everyone already knows that Justin Trudeau's Liberals won't and can't talk about the economy because like Biden, it's positively killing them one day at a time. So, they will do what they do best: attack Poilièvre on some of his ill advised policies and positions and deform the shit out of the CPC platform. That's pretty much what has always worked for this Prime Minister but it may not next time unless Pierre leaves an impression that he'd rather serially shoot himself first in the foot and ultimately in the head rather than hold the center-right and win. Like I said before, it's all on Pierre and he, like O'Toole, will either make or break this party in the next election. Period. No doubt about it. And meeting with Bernier is precisely the wrong signal to send to potential voters. It tars our party with the lunatic, kookish taint of the PPC. Great going there Pierre. Are you really that politically dense? Sure looks like it from here.

Well, as a result, it's all smiles on the Charest campaign, at least for now.

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