Friday, 8 September 2023

Pierre Is Ready To Lead Canada Now!

I'm about to do something here that I normally never do: divorce myself from the content of one of my posts, so what you read now in this paragraph will be a preface. It will be the only place where I fit myself into the mix. Those of you who I've had the good fortune of having as regular readers will know this all too well -- O'Dowd is neither a natural nor convenient ass-kisser or bootlicker, so what I write in future paragraphs will be both as short as possible and, hopefully, more compelling to the reader than anything else I've ever written.

There was no way that I was going to miss The Speech In Quebec City. Going into it, it was my impression that a non-politician named Anaida had incredibly natural political instincts and gifts on stage. What authenticity, charm and a way to connect strongly with people in three languages.

What I discovered tonight is that Pierre has come a long way, baby! This speech, is the best speech he's ever delivered, bar none. It was chock-full of relatable content for Canadians and reflected their hopes, dreams, and expectations. And the delivery was, quite frankly, magical. It was as good as Charest's speeches and far better than most, if not all, of Harper's. Not a whiff of anger in the entire speech. In short, a masterful performance that proves beyond a doubt that Poilièvre will be ready on Day One to govern both effectively and with common sense.

So, in closing, I'm asking people to allow me to be as short as possible in this post. What I hope you will see is how Pierre resonates with average Canadians and how determined he is to make life better for all those people who are suffering economically. I humbly ask all of you to seriously consider giving the CPC your vote in the next election, no matter when it comes. Pierre will be there, ready to make Canada a far better place for all of us. I hope you decide to join us on our journey. Thank you.


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