Thursday, 12 December 2024

Trump Tariffs: Let the POS Cut His Own Throat.

I don't want to call Trump a moron. That would overestimate his intelligence. So, just let the old bastard bring in tariffs across the board against Canada and other countries. This idiot will prompt a massive inflationary spiral which will hurt MAGA and pretty much everyone else. And you know what that means: an incredible swing toward the Democrats in the midterms but don't try to explain that to president-elect DumbDumbTM. 

However, the loss of USMCA (CUSMA) wouldn't be a disaster, just like when NAFTA went extinct. Remember that domestic congressional legislation on trade, tariffs, countervailing, anti-dumping, and assorted other items is supreme. It has a primacy in American law and allows Congress to bypass or overrule USMCA or WTO dispute settlement panel decisions. In short, it is what it is, and it's already gaming the system against America's trade partners. 

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