Saturday, 14 December 2024

Warren Says Ford Is Captain Canada.

Well, not really. Ford is quite obviously by leaps and bounds the most authentic politician in Canada. With Ford, what you see is definitely what you get. Ford has the guts to take Trump on which very few if any other premiers are prepared to do. So, Ford gets a gold star for that. He stands up to Trump while others cower or pretend to be Trump's friend and ally.

But, photo-ops and mano-mano rhetoric are what they are. It isn't substantive or even productive. Let's get real here. Ford and everyone else can do zip if Trump brings in any form of tariff against Canada. Ford isn't prime minister and his playground isn't called Ottawa. So again, great showboating but entirely meaningless in the overall scheme of things. 

However, in a progressive conservative turned conservative universe, Ford didn't hurt himself generally by blasting Trump. He certainly isn't Captain Canada now but he may have plans to become Captain Canada later. If he's a man with a federal plan, he did himself more good than bad with what he said about Trump. But sorry Warren, Captain Canada he ain't.

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