Thursday 31 August 2023

Feinstein And McConnell.

To begin, I want to salute Feinstein and McConnell for their incredible dedication to public service. Both of them have been distinguished senators but not above partisanship, but that goes with the territory. Each of them has really made a difference, and their country is far better off than it otherwise would have been without their service.

I'm not among those who advocate for term limits for public office holders -- elected representatives should come and go only at the whim of the electorate -- as opposed to judges who should be term-limited.

Feinstein has already indicated that she won't be running again, and that's both a medically and personally sound decision. McConnell seemingly wants to stick it out, and that's a mistake. There comes a point where a combination of work stress and wear and tear goes from sending warning signs to something much worse. Clearly, McConnell's symptoms are secondary to his recent fall and a likely concussion, which provokes these seizures. So, Mitch should hang it up in 2024, if not for his own sake, then at least for Elaine's. There should be no double standard here. Use your head, Mitch, like Dianne did, and just go for your own well-being.  

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