Saturday, 5 August 2023

The Big Tough Guy Is Scared Shitless In Private.

Too funny. I'm surprised that Trump hasn't already repeatedly shit his pants. Yeah right, "I'm" going to be coming after you. Right. Not this coward. All this idiot does is serially manipulate his followers and disciples, hoping like hell that a minority of them will do dirt work for him. 

Every candidate has deranged and psychotic supporters, but anyone with a brain does their utmost to keep these loons and crazies under control. Not Donald J. Trump. Not him. Egging them on is definitely not the way to go. 

He loves the conspiracy theories, the bullshit that Biden is not president, all of it. And he cares not, to use a Kennedyism, what serious consequences might flow from his behaviour. 

These crazy fuckers are great at intimidation, making death threats, and mailing strange things to politicians, strategists and other party operatives. One day, some nut bar will go too far and Trump will have to live with the consequences. 

The Big Man is well on his way to locking up the Republican nomination. But only the most delusional TrumpANon actually believes that an election win realistically is in the cards. So, by all means, let Trump get it and then watch that fucker more than likely go down in flames in the general, as he so richly deserves. 

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