Sunday, 7 April 2024

Trumpomics: A Path To Total Economic Failure.

The Biden Administration keeps saying that the economy is in very good shape, but that's not what people are feeling on the ground. Hence, Biden's approval rating of roughly 40%. Normally, Biden's re-election would already be a write-off, given that every single American incumbent president who polled under 50% in November in an election year did not get re-elected. Biden's people are cooking the economic numbers, and the business press is largely complicit in that.

So...normally Biden would already be a loser in November, but then there are a couple of things likely to work in his favour: Trump's various trials and then there's a whopper called Trumponomics. Not convinced? Then just look at Trump Media: the stock is tanking, wiping out one billion dollars of Trump's net worth. No kidding. 

In Trump World, four million in revenue is a great achievement, while fifty-eight million in losses is fake news, a distraction and mere detail. And the topper: jackass Nunes gets to keep his six hundred thousand in retention bonus (along with one million dollar salary) while presiding over the stock's swan dive.

Ah, Trumpomics, doing for small investors what he'll do for the rest of you if Trump gets to return as President. The filthy rich can't wait for the Trump tax cuts not to expire as scheduled later this year. But don't worry billionaires and millionaires, Trump plans to cut your taxes even more if he returns to the White House. Comforting for the mega-rich. Not so much for everyone else.


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