Saturday 29 June 2024

For Biden Down-Ballot Means Exactly That.

It's called that for a reason: the top of the ticket is meant to provide strength, which then ricochets and reverberates down the chain. Put another way, strength flows from the president and its effects are felt in down-ballot races. A Prez with The Big Mo can almost turn the Senate and House races on a dime. But when there's no confidence in the president, or even the presidential ticket, that state of affairs will likely keep both houses in opposition hands.

Seriously, Biden has been a drag on the party for quite some time: swing states and must-win states provided almost without exception Trump a lead going into the debate. And now, the first polls show Trump's lead widening in these battleground states. Translation: if Biden stays, don't expect Democrats to gain the House or even hold on to the Senate. Biden is the new Bette Davis, ballot-box poison. 

So to hell with party and personal loyalty. That's not the big picture. What counts is keeping Trump out of the Oval Office and taking back the House majority? Neither of those goals can be accomplished with Biden as the nominee.

It's make-or-break time. Obama and Clinton have done the country a tremendous disservice by coming to Biden's rescue. It's time for plain talk and speaking -- Biden has to go or Trump will definitely find his way back into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW. That's called reality.

Biden Stays, Democrats LOSE.

It's as simple as that: Biden stays, Democrats lose. Why? Because before the debate, Biden was only at 41% in the presidential approval rating. Not 50% or higher.

In politics, the prime directive is to do no harm -- if Biden stays, he elects Trump -- and that should be an anathema to any and all thinking Democrats. So, Biden has to go so someone else can have a decent shot at keeping the Democrats in The White House. Biden can't do that. Period. It's already bad enough that Trump has a built-in advantage in The Electoral College. Biden sticking around will only make that worse. End of story.

Thursday 27 June 2024

Debate: For Biden It Was An Unmitigated Disaster. He Must Go For The Good Of The Party.

This is the saddest day I’ve ever seen in politics. Biden gave his all, but it wasn’t enough. Frankly, I was in shock when I saw his voice give out at the beginning of the debate. And then it didn’t get much better. I want to watch it again without the sound, but I think I could not bear it.

Trump was better — lied pretty much about everything and showed once again that he’s a Class A Asshole, but so many voters don’t care.

So Trump “won” tonight and my candidate unintentionally buried his campaign. Biden simply can’t continue. Just imagine the MAGA ads from the debate that’ll air continuously in the campaign. Poor Biden is done. I pray he finds the humility and common sense to drop out of this race. Otherwise, the demon seed is on his way right back into the White House. Trump must be beaten at any and all costs. Biden can’t do that. Not a chance in hell.

Tuesday 25 June 2024

CNN Debate: Trump No Show On Thursday Night?

I hope to hell Trump doesn't show up. Then people can see him in the light of a chicken and a coward. Or to use his favourite phrase: WEAK, WEAK, WEAK...

That would bust the election wide open as Independents realize he's scared of Biden and that he can't hold his own against Biden. Cognitive-wise.

Surely, Trump can't possibly be that stupid?

Trump Has Narrowed His VEEP Search To Three.

Of course, he has: a monkey, a seal and a jackass.

Sunday 23 June 2024

Trump's VEEP: Can You Say Vance?

Start with the premise that Trump didn't lose the 2020 election. Remember, it was "stolen" by Biden so in his mind, Trump isn't a loser. That means Trump won't want to choose someone he sees as a loser: think Rubio and Burgum. As a result, one can easily surmise that in Trump's warped mind, it has to be Vance all the way.

You know Vance, the best of a bad lot. None of those three can claim to have been unconditionally loyal to Trump -- but Trump is desperate to win at any and all costs -- so he has to hold his nose and choose one of those disloyal Johnny-come-lately. 

VEEP candidate, thy name is Vance, for better or worse. It remains to be seen whose political career will be more severely damaged, Trump's or Vance's. In short, Trump and Vance deserve each other, and may the force definitely not be with them.

Saturday 22 June 2024

Boy, That Trump Guy Must Be A God?

This one is simply too good to ignore.

From People:

"Donald Trump Claims Joan Rivers Voted Him for President. She Died 2 Years Before He Ran

Donald Trump said that late comedian Joan Rivers voted for him when he ran for president in 2016. But Rivers died in September 2014, more than two years before the presidential election." 

2024 Presidential Election Prediction.

Something tells me I'll get it wrong this time: in 2016, I thought Trump would win and in 2020, Biden. Right now, I give Trump the edge, but I'm not predicting a Trump win at this stage. If I'm wrong on next November's prediction, it will prevent a case of head swelling. LOL.

Trudeau's Incredible Karma Is Coming.

Mr.EgotistTM isn't leaving, even though he threatens to blow the Liberals off the map. Trudeau's pride is far more important than electoral considerations, at least in his mind. And even more fun for Conservatives, the Liberal caucus is a bunch of spineless jellyfish on their best day. They're too busy kissing his ass or licking his boots with their tongues. More great news for the CPC.

A normal political caucus would be quietly plotting to undermine this guy by now. But not this bunch of sycophants. They'll more or less gladly go down in flames with Trudeau. Too fucking funny.

Remember how I'm the guy who predicted that Trudeau would take the Liberals from third place to first in 2015? And how the political class laughed in Ottawa. I even predicted a likely Liberal majority win. Well, here I go again, as Reagan would say: HimselfTM's political karma is going to be a doozy. When the election comes next year, Trudeau will reverse engineer that win. He'll take the Liberals from a majority government right back to third place

How sweet it is! You read it here first. 

CNN Debate: Biden Will Either Get A Second Wind Or Go Down In Flames.

This election isn't about Trump. It's about Biden and whether he can adequately do the job in a second term. Biden's run is ego-driven -- remember, he was supposed to be the president who would only serve one term. So much for that. Biden broke his word. In short, he likes the job and doesn't want to give it up, even if voters would rather have another person as the Democratic Party nominee. So, Biden's re-election effort is all about himself.

At least Biden isn't stupid: he's furiously prepping at Camp David for next Thursday's debate. Smart move. If he can command the policy agenda in the rough and tumble, he'll score points in the polls, but he can't make miracles given that he's so low in the presidential approval ratings already. His number is a record low, far below 50% for a presidential incumbent. So, it's already Biden's election to lose. If Biden performs badly or gets knocked off his marks by Trump, then Trump gains momentum with independents. But it won't be a knockout for Trump: the Bushes, Reagan, Obama and Trump all had bad debates in the past, but none of them were KO-ed after a lousy performance.

As for Trump, he already has nothing to lose. Everyone already knows he's an asshole most of the time, and not that many people care. Surprisingly. Cutting off Trump's microphone won't stop him -- he'll do everything he can to get under Biden's skin and knock him off balance. And if it works, Trump will consolidate his lead in the polls.

Finally, if it's a draw, no one will have any increased momentum coming out of the first debate. Probably the strangest election in American history where at least a plurality of the American people wanted someone else other than Biden or Trump to be a party's standard-bearer.

Ultimately, this race could be the next Bush v. Gore, and we all know how that turned out. Biden may win the popular vote but still lose in The Electoral College. Think of it, another four years of Trump in the White House. God help us.

Sunday 16 June 2024

NSICOP Report On Foreign Interference: Not Good For The Liberals Or Conservatives.

You all know the usual suspects: China, India and Russia who reportedly interfered in party nomination contests and elections at the federal and provincial levels. The NSICOP report differentiates between those who willingly aided a foreign government and others who didn't prevent information that benefitted a foreign power from flowing to that government.

At a political level, Joly says there are no traitors in the Liberal caucus while Singh, who has read the unredacted report, says the opposite. Singh has confirmed that no current NDP MPs are on the list. The Liberals refuse to name names, and that's not exactly comforting. It suggests that the Liberals have something to hide, or they've concluded that what could be released publicly would be incredibly damaging to their re-election prospects. In short, finish them off politically. So, it's in their interest to stonewall and refuse to give way.

As for the Conservatives, they've adopted an ostrich mentality: what the leader doesn't know can't hurt us. Poilièvre has refused to get the security clearance to read the unredacted report. As rumoured, it suggests more CPC than LPC MPs are involved and that our leader isn't prepared to discipline them. 

This is the worst decision Pierre has made since becoming leader. Truman, he ain't. The buck needs to stop in his office, and it's irresponsible not to be aware of the report's content regarding Conservative MPs. Picture it: we form a government and the leader chooses a cabinet. Some people are only partially vetted -- their names could be in the NSICOP report, and yet they're named to cabinet? Not a good national security look. Poilièvre should rethink this. It's his job to make the tough decisions, especially those that may not be in his party's interests. A deliberate abdication of responsibility won't serve us well in the medium to long term.

So, it's fortunate that Justice Hogue's mandate has been enlarged and given that both the Canadian and foreign governments know the names, Hogue should publicly name them in her report. Then voters can draw their own conclusions and deal with them accordingly.

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Hunter Biden.

President Biden said he won't pardon but, but, but, he may consider commuting any sentence. Let's get real now: if Biden commutes anything, Biden is done as far as his re-election is concerned. Pretty much it.

Monday 10 June 2024

The Freeland Snow Job On Capital Gains Increases.

Freeland is full of shit. I hope the Trudeau Liberals lose the vote of every doctor, lawyer and other professional in Canada. No electoral thumping is large enough for these clowns.

Biden Negotiating With Hamas?

What happened to we never negotiate with terrorists? Exactly...

Sunday 9 June 2024

UK Election: Solid Labour Win Ahead But Likely Not Their Night.

It's already painfully obvious, the July 4 election will bring a multitude of fireworks and a likely political earthquake: polls consistently show Starmer and Labour winning, but that's not really what the election is about. The big shake up will come from Farage and Reform UK, who likely will take more seats in Parliament than polls are predicting. That will finish off Sunak and the Conservatives, who may even end up with fewer seats than Reform UK. Possible, but not yet distinctly so. 

Current polling averages show that Labour isn't polling at 50 percent or higher. So it will be a big win. But Starmer's problem is a distinct perception, in some circles, that Labour stands for anything and everything. Look at the crossover MPs. In short, anything other than what Sunak and the Conservatives support. Imagine if Starmer becomes PM with Farage as Opposition Leader. That would be quite a night for the right wing. Let's just say that the EU elections are perhaps a strong indicator of what's to come in the UK.

Some even say that Sunak will lose his constituency. I think he will. Once you become characterized as the Mr. Bean of politics, you're pretty much done. Sunak makes Truss look good. How I yearn for the Cameron or even May days...

Saturday 8 June 2024

Bond: Thinking Of Vesper.

This is so funny. I've been reviewing various YouTube highlights of the Bond films. And suddenly I came upon Casino Royale and Vesper, and it all came flooding back -- the rarity of cinematic infatuation and its instant and profound effect.

Eva Green did all of that in a matter of minutes. I loved the way she played Vesper: a blend of unspoken vulnerability, sentimentality, emotions and deep profound feelings. And a battle-hardened toughness hiding behind a mask. No wonder, she stole Bond's heart in relatively short order. 

All of that is an expression of Green's acting abilities. Too bad she got killed off. Vesper would have made a perfect Bond...

Saturday 1 June 2024

MAGA: The Devil Worshipping And Outright Stupidity Is Spell-bounding.

My God, it's a close race trying to determine who's more contemptible, the stupid ass-kissing, boot-licking Republican politicians who're rallying behind Trump, a soon-to-be-sentenced convicted felon. Or MAGA in general, who already knows that Trump is a piece of shit on his best day and proudly rally around him with unquestioning alacrity. Talk about embracing the dark side willingly and with unbound enthusiasm.

As soon as Trump is sentenced, that's the death blow for Republican chances in the general. And yet these imbeciles will not only keep this guy as their nominee, they'll gladly go to electoral hell in a handbasket right with the largely loathed Trump.

Can any group of people possibly be more stupid? And if that wasn't enough, these same fools are individually making themselves bankruptcy candidates by funding this asshole, who somehow will never pay a cent of his own legal bills. These saps, along with the Lara Trump Republican Committee, will gladly pick up the bills. Such totally gullible numbskulls.

Here's a bit of hard political REALITY for you: MAGA is thirty-five percent of the vote, not a percent more. I guess you all failed arithmetic in high school. Fund this SOB to your last dime, line up behind this phony con artist and then prepare to lose, because you will!

Keep it up: threaten judges, courtroom workers, juries, election officials and their families. All you're doing is driving the last nails into the Trump campaign. Here's the news flash for you dolts: thirty-five percent will not win you The White House, not in a month of Sundays.

The rest of the American people have finally had E-N-O-U-G-H. Kiss off most Independents because they're already gone. Translation: Trump is going to lose and lose big. Not by a few percentage points but by a thumping. As I said, a majority of the American public is sick of this bastard. Period.

So get it in your heads now, you're going down in November. And don't any of you fucking dare pull another treasonous stunt at The Capitol because if you do, it'll be memorable in spades, but not in the way you think.