Saturday 1 June 2024

MAGA: The Devil Worshipping And Outright Stupidity Is Spell-bounding.

My God, it's a close race trying to determine who's more contemptible, the stupid ass-kissing, boot-licking Republican politicians who're rallying behind Trump, a soon-to-be-sentenced convicted felon. Or MAGA in general, who already knows that Trump is a piece of shit on his best day and proudly rally around him with unquestioning alacrity. Talk about embracing the dark side willingly and with unbound enthusiasm.

As soon as Trump is sentenced, that's the death blow for Republican chances in the general. And yet these imbeciles will not only keep this guy as their nominee, they'll gladly go to electoral hell in a handbasket right with the largely loathed Trump.

Can any group of people possibly be more stupid? And if that wasn't enough, these same fools are individually making themselves bankruptcy candidates by funding this asshole, who somehow will never pay a cent of his own legal bills. These saps, along with the Lara Trump Republican Committee, will gladly pick up the bills. Such totally gullible numbskulls.

Here's a bit of hard political REALITY for you: MAGA is thirty-five percent of the vote, not a percent more. I guess you all failed arithmetic in high school. Fund this SOB to your last dime, line up behind this phony con artist and then prepare to lose, because you will!

Keep it up: threaten judges, courtroom workers, juries, election officials and their families. All you're doing is driving the last nails into the Trump campaign. Here's the news flash for you dolts: thirty-five percent will not win you The White House, not in a month of Sundays.

The rest of the American people have finally had E-N-O-U-G-H. Kiss off most Independents because they're already gone. Translation: Trump is going to lose and lose big. Not by a few percentage points but by a thumping. As I said, a majority of the American public is sick of this bastard. Period.

So get it in your heads now, you're going down in November. And don't any of you fucking dare pull another treasonous stunt at The Capitol because if you do, it'll be memorable in spades, but not in the way you think.

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