Sunday 23 June 2024

Trump's VEEP: Can You Say Vance?

Start with the premise that Trump didn't lose the 2020 election. Remember, it was "stolen" by Biden so in his mind, Trump isn't a loser. That means Trump won't want to choose someone he sees as a loser: think Rubio and Burgum. As a result, one can easily surmise that in Trump's warped mind, it has to be Vance all the way.

You know Vance, the best of a bad lot. None of those three can claim to have been unconditionally loyal to Trump -- but Trump is desperate to win at any and all costs -- so he has to hold his nose and choose one of those disloyal Johnny-come-lately. 

VEEP candidate, thy name is Vance, for better or worse. It remains to be seen whose political career will be more severely damaged, Trump's or Vance's. In short, Trump and Vance deserve each other, and may the force definitely not be with them.

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