Saturday, 15 January 2022

CNN: Will Biden Bounce Back?

OK, let's take this one on what with both Biden and Harris' numbers tanking badly. First off, 22 is a mid-term election, which by its very nature, is more often than not a PROTEST vote. Translation: that means voters are largely dissatisfied with how it went and opt for the opposing party. That likely means Democrats losing many House seats and probably Senate control. No mystery there, just a traditional track record.

Now to Biden. Remember how in the campaign Biden was supposed to be a one-term president? Exactly...Lord Acton got it right at the individual level meaning that once in power, the average Joe suddenly grows into the idea of a solid eight years. So, right out of the blocks and looking to 24, Biden is no LBJ.

Just look at the historic track record of other presidents who were exactly where Biden is now in their first year in office and then got re-elected as chief executive. Think Reagan, Clinton and Obama. With that in mind, I don't expect Biden to create an opening.

Then there's the WSJ Schoen and Stein piece: you know, Hill's third run for the presidency with Bill cheering her on. Well, let's get it out there that Hillary and Bill make Machiavelli look like a rank amateur -- I mean, look up prepositioning in the dictionary and you'll find WJC and HRC. That's just the nature of the beast, looking for a leveraged opportunity.

Sure, the Dems have tacked left under Biden and that's been met with mixed reviews, to put it kindly. But being Bernie and AOC-lite ain't exactly like a political death sentence. Much depends on the economy which will dictate the incumbent's faith, perhaps à la Carter and perhaps not. Right now, the economy continues to tank while hiring goes up. Talk about a bifurcation and God only knows how it'll break in the voting booths.

The Clintons already have two problems coupled with a tremendous asset: they're unabashedly centrist and that will move the needle but HRC is also yesterday's news, just like Trump. Right now, both are convinced they respectively are a lead-pipe cinch for a huge political comeback. Maybe, maybe not.

Is the United States really thirsting for retreads on both the left and right? Independents will likely get to decide. And then there's the elephant in the room that Albright positively nailed: women, or at least a considerable number of them, going out of their way to vote Republican to deny Hillary the prize. My late Mom used to refer to that subsection and type as "catty bitches" and trust me, there are plenty of them around, yes, even in 2022. 

Take from all of the above that  HRC is no EMK -- she won't be challenging Biden any time soon. Now, if Biden clears the decks, then it's a go but not being nice with the White House isn't a solid political strategy. That, at the very least, gets Biden's back up and makes him ready for battle. Hill should know better. 

In my world, America is continually evolving and mostly for the better. Why should politics be any different? To Democrats I say, find younger, centrist, principled leadership and to Republicans, get your heads examined if you're still hard-core for Trump. 2024: in a nutshell, a political adventure with a reliable outcome almost no one can predict.

May God bless the United States of America!



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