Sunday, 2 October 2022

Paul Saint-Pierre Plamondon: The Best Campaign.

This guy is a natural campaigner who, unlike the others in this campaign, actually sweats authenticity. What you see is what you get, and Quebecers liked what they saw. The PQ progressed from a low of seven percent to a high of fifteen in the last Léger poll.

Yes, Plamondon will hold on to a few vulnerable seats, but will his party breakout elsewhere? We likely will see little boomlets in several regions of the province. So, this election is a win for the PQ.

QS and the Liberals are stuck with no final momentum to speak of. For their part, the PCQ has joined the big leagues and has the luxury of being likely supported by many voters who won't disclose their allegiance to pollsters. So, I expect polls to undercount PCQ support.

However, with three parties basically tied and the PLQ seemingly going nowhere, who will form the Official Opposition? The Liberals, perhaps and perhaps not.

And then there's the elephant in the room: the grand presumption by almost all political analysts that the CAQ will win another majority. I'm not so sure. I've got doubts creeping in, but that could be nothing more than wishful thinking.

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