Thursday, 20 October 2022

UK: They Truss No Longer.

Now, this is interesting. We know a few things now that Truss is gone: firstly, that stimulative income tax cuts don't necessarily go with high and seemingly galloping inflation. Secondly, what a disaster her policies have been for the British pound.

But what intrigues me is who was for Truss getting the boot. Was it only a plurality in caucus or was the party membership on the same wave length?

I think there was a psychological divorce there: caucus largely was for her resignation but not most of the party membership. So, expect trouble ahead and that will inevitably affect who becomes the next leader and PM. In short, expect another Johnson loyalist as it appears that Johnson won't be having a go -- he's too busy cashing in apparently on speeches -- or so they say.

Finally, how will this rollercoaster reverberate in our politics? Will it make our leaders more vulnerable to caucus' whims and dictates? I think so. Caucuses at all levels will be feeling their oats, empowered you might say. So, leaders had better tread rather lightly if they know what's good for them.

It could very well even lead to Liberal MPs finally getting religion and ditching their albatross at last, you know, the guy who can no longer get beyond useless minority governments. It might just end with Trudeau taking a hint and finally getting lost. We can only hope. Otherwise, caucus might end up giving him a big and final push out the door. Now that would be humiliating and likely to seriously unswell that head of his, such as it is...

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