Sunday, 21 January 2024

DeSantis And Scott: The Ultimate Hypocrites!

DeSantis is finally out. I'm thrilled as fuck about that. Never liked him from Day One, just like Trump. However, I did like Scott. Now, let me get this straight: you both ran for president because you each thought you were more fit for the job of commander in chief than Trump. Then, when it doesn't go your way, both of you endorse Trump?

The hypocrisy is mind-blowing. Scott is a fool's fool if he thinks he'll get the VEEP slot just because he's started sucking up to The Orange Menace. Here's my bet: there won't be a place for either of them in a future Trump administration, should that come to pass. These two idiots have played only themselves. Suckers! (Can you say Stefanik, but I digress.)

So, if you happen to be both Republican and a decent person (unlike Trump) then I hope to hell that you quickly move to Haley to send a clear and unequivocal message about what's great, honourable, decent and ethical in the United States. America is the finest country in the world because of its individual values and common decency. Trump reflects none of that.

I'm a Canadian progressive, but given the choice between Biden (The Father of Inflation) and Haley, I would vote for her in a New York minute. Biden needs to be held to account for an economy that's crappy, no matter how much they monkey around with the stats.

If you look in the mirror and see a reflection of Trump, then I can only feel very sorry for you. Trump is the living epitome of everything a human being and a Christian should not be. But some of you are OK with that...what does that say about YOU? And at final judgment, what will Jesus say to you? Here's a hint: more than likely, he won't be smiling.

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