Thursday, 30 January 2025
Is Jackass Trump Going To Be Putting Tariffs On Canadian Oil And Gas?
Wednesday, 29 January 2025
The youth wing: Pablo starts to use his head.
Pablo wants to increase the Youth Commission's budget: He wants to give them [TRANSLATION] "a permanent presence in the party, either by hiring full-time or part-time staff, depending on the executive's needs."
He also plans on meeting with the executive once a month when he is leader.
Although the executive is neutral, youth wing members support various candidates. At present, Milliard's campaign is clearly in the lead, while Rodriguez is in second place. To win the race, a campaign must win at least a majority of the youth vote.
L'aile jeunesse : Pablo commence à se servir de sa tête.
Sunday, 26 January 2025
Pierre Is Rightfully Ignoring The Sanctimonious Know-It-All Conservative YouTubers.
Trump Impeachment 2025: It's Coming Before December.
The Fun Part Is Watching Trump Supporters Go Berserk Over Trump At The WEF.
Columbia And Mexico Say Fuck You Trump!
Rosie: Where's Your Reporting That Butts And Telford Are Not Working On Behalf Of Carney?
Saturday, 25 January 2025
Carney: You'll See His Policy By The End Of The Week.
Lantsman At Carney's Beaches-East York Event.
The "Feminist" Party Doesn't Want A Female Leader.
Most Of Trudeau's Cabinet Is Lining Up Behind Carney.
Will Canada Get Its Act Together?
Friday, 24 January 2025
Who In Their Right Mind Calls A Winter Election?
Thursday, 23 January 2025
MAGA: Such Losers With No Class.
The Trump sycophants booed every Democratic president as they arrived at Dipshit's inauguration. You didn't see anything like that when Biden was inaugurated. It's impossible to overestimate how much these morons, bootlickers and ass-kissers are no-class losers. At least they are a perfect reflection of their president. You know what they say, birds of a feather...
Bill 21 Heads To The Supreme Court.
Wednesday, 22 January 2025
Freeland Will Scrap Trudeau's Capital-Gains Tax Increase.
Poor Ford: Is He The Next Theresa May?
You Mean Vivek And Elon Are No Longer Best Buds? Well, I never!
Tuesday, 21 January 2025
Warren Kinsella: Emperor Of Skies.
Monday, 20 January 2025
It Won't Take Long For Trump To Go Too Far For The American People.
Trump Tariffs: It's Your Move, Pierre.
The Anti-Christ Has Really Dropped His Guard: It's There For All To See.
Sunday, 19 January 2025
Документальний фільм CBC News Network про Путіна.
Документальный фильм CBC News Network о Путине.
CBC News Network Documentary On Putin.
Why Carney Likely Can't Beat Poilièvre.
Trump Will Stall The TikTok Ban.
Freeland's Disaster Is An Opening For Gould.
Freeland Is The New Heseltine.
"I knew that, 'He [or she] who wields the knife never wears the crown.' "
Freeland's Launch: It Started Off Great And Then Canadians Interrupted More Than Once.
Hamas Is Far From Dead.
Saturday, 18 January 2025
The Asshole's Inauguration.
CBC: The Heat Has Finally Paid Off.
QLP: Young People Will Have The Final Say.
Young Liberals will have the last word. The candidate who wins the majority of those votes will probably become the next leader of the Quebec Liberal Party. For now, Milliard has a clear lead over Rodriguez.
People are saying that Milliard represents the regions while Pablo is a product of La Métropole. There are a lot of young Montreal Liberals. We'll see whether this concentration will be effective at the ballot box. On the other hand, you need support in the regions to form a government. Whoever forges the strongest ties with young people will become the party leader. That's clearer now than it's ever been.
PLQ : Les jeunes auront le mot de la fin.
Les jeunes libéraux auront le dernier mot. Le candidat qui remportera la majorité de ces votes deviendra probablement le prochain chef du Parti libéral du Québec. Pour l'instant, il semble que Milliard ait une nette avance sur Rodriguez.
Les gens disent que Milliard est un gars des régions et que Pablo est une créature de La Métropole. Il y a beaucoup de jeunes libéraux montréalais. Nous verrons si cette concentration sera efficace dans les urnes. D'un autre côté, il faut un soutien dans les régions pour arriver au pouvoir. Celui qui tissera les liens les plus forts avec les jeunes deviendra le chef du parti. C'est plus clair maintenant que jamais.
Gould Gets The Best Of Both Worlds.
Trump: I Won't Be Watching It.
Friday, 17 January 2025
Last normal Friday thoughts.
Thursday, 16 January 2025
Pablo est dans une position inconfortable.
Pablo is in an uncomfortable position.
I agree that when you're a minister, you must always maintain ministerial solidarity. That's clear. But his critics also have something to say: they're talking about child care, dental insurance, pharmacare, immigration and federal government intervention in areas of provincial jurisdiction. This situation puts Rodriguez in an awkward position. How can he legitimately criticize the positions of his former government? We have to go even further: to be consistent, Pablo must defend these previous positions in the race. There is no other choice. This will certainly tarnish his professional credentials as a Quebec nationalist. These are not glorious days. And as if that wasn't bad enough, he has the misfortune to have the firm support of a former minister who gave his word to a candidate and then changed his mind! Let's hope that those who support Rodriguez's candidacy don't do the same...
Carney Gets In And His French Comes Off Like A Thud.
Pierre: That Guy You See Coming Up Fast In The Rear View Mirror Is Called Ford.
Pierre Takes No Position And Feels Little Pain For The Time Being.
Wednesday, 15 January 2025
Pedant: Ready To Fight With Telford?
Tuesday, 14 January 2025
Gould? Talk About An Unconventional Candidacy.
QLP: Rodriguez should be disqualified as a leadership candidate.
Following the launch of Rodriguez's candidacy, I expressed the opinion that Pablo had a serious lack of judgement that disqualified him as a candidate.
And now, according to Warren Kinsella's website, THE WAR ROOM, we have learned this:
"Former federal Heritage Minister Pablo Rodriguez, who is running for the leadership of the Quebec Liberal Party, is facing questions about his decision to hold a meeting with an Ottawa lobbyist and friend about one of her clients that received funding from his department."
NDP ethics critic Matthew Green said Rodriguez should not have attended the meeting with Lisa Kirbie, founder and managing director of consultancy Blackbird Strategies, when he was heritage minister, as it created the appearance of a conflict of interest.
The November 2022 meeting on behalf of Ms Kirbie's client, the Kluane First Nation, was declared on Ms Kirbie's lobbying register.... But Mr Green said Mr Rodriguez should have erred on the side of caution and recused himself from the meeting with Ms Kirbie. Ministers should refrain from taking part in official meetings with friends, he said, as they could find themselves in an ethical conflict of interest.
PLQ : Rodriguez devrait être disqualifié en tant que candidat à la direction du parti.
If LeBlanc Is Not Drafted, Liberals Can Forget It In Quebec.
If the Liberals don't draft LeBlanc or another francophone, they can forget holding their own in Quebec. No Liberal leadership run can be considered serious and credible without a candidate from Quebec or New Brunswick.
Monday, 13 January 2025
Bachand takes on Rodriguez.
Wow. Bachand supports Milliard. Let's just say that his comments about Pablo were not very elegant: [TRANSLATION] "Maybe Quebecers need something other than career politicians. They need experienced people - and Charles is experienced - but they also need young people."
And then there was this: [TRANSLATION] The Quebec Liberal Party in the regions does not exist, it barely exists, it is very weak. Quebecers in the regions are preparing to vote massively for the Bloc or the Conservative Party. Would the Quebec Liberal Party select as leader someone who was the right-hand man of the Government of Canada for 10 years? I don't get it. Pablo Rodriguez is a good man, but this is not the time for him to lead the Quebec Liberal Party.
In my opinion, these comments will harm his candidate's campaign. They say they won't use negative politics and then they do it. It's a lack of class, to say the least. As a result, Bachand's support will hurt Rodriguez less than expected.
It remains to be seen whether other former Charest ministers will follow Bachand's lead.
Bachand affronte Rodriguez.
Wow. Bachand appuie Milliard. Disons que ses commentaires sur Pablo n'étaient pas très élégants: « Les Québécois ont besoin peut-être d'autre chose que des politiciens dont c'est la carrière. Ils ont besoin de gens expérimentés - et Charles l'est avec son expérience - mais jeunes aussi. »
Et puis, il y a eu ceci : Le Parti libéral du Québec en région n'existe pas, il existe très peu, il est très faible. Les Québécois des régions se préparent à voter massivement pour le Bloc ou le Parti conservateur. Est-ce que le Parti libéral du Québec nommerait comme chef quelqu'un qui a été le bras droit du gouvernement du Canada pendant 10 ans ? Je ne comprends pas. Pablo Rodriguez est un homme bon, mais ce n'est pas le bon moment pour le Parti libéral du Québec.
À mon avis, ces propos vont nuire à la campagne de son candidat. On dit qu'on ne veut pas faire de la politique négative et on en fait. C'est un manque de classe, c'est le moins qu'on puisse dire. Par conséquent, le soutien de Bachand nuira moins que prévu à Rodriguez.
Reste à voir si d'autres anciens ministres de Charest suivront l'exemple de Bachand.
POS Doesn't Give A Shit If It's Trudeau And Doesn't Even Know Who Poilièvre Is So Tariffs Are A Certainty.
Sunday, 12 January 2025
Once The Liberals Have A New Leader It Becomes A 60-40% Election.
Federal Liberal Leadership: They Need A Francophone Candidate. Otherwise...
CPC: Pierre Needs To Be Careful What He Wishes For.
They Make Me Wish I Wasn't A Canadian.
Saturday, 11 January 2025
Joe Is Out To Lunch.
“I think I would have beaten Trump, I could have beaten Trump.”
Well Joe, No. Stop being in LaLa Land. If the relatively new broom couldn't beat Trump, Biden sure couldn't have.
Dom Is Out...But Will There Be A Draft Dominic Movement?
The Liberal Ads Continue. Will The New PM Quickly Call An Election?
Beauchemin: Rodriguez's Small Gift.
Next Monday, Rodriguez will officially announce that Beauchemin has withdrawn from the race and is now supporting Rodriguez. It's a small gift for Pablo, given that some of Beauchemin's organizers categorically refuse to also back Rodriguez.
Pablo is clearly ahead in the race, but he is far from being the candidate of fifty-one percent of the Liberal caucus. The same goes for party members. Rodriguez still has a lot of work to do to win over the undecided. The question is whether another star candidate is coming and if so, Rodriguez will still have a lot of work to do to convince the undecided. If the answer is no, Rodriguez has a good chance of becoming the next leader. On the other hand, if a star candidate emerges, we could see a campaign led by someone other than Pablo. Therein lies the danger for Rodriguez's campaign. We'll see in the coming months. My conclusion is simple: unless another major candidate emerges, Pablo will be the next leader.
We must recognize that the leadership of the Liberal Party is not very prestigious these days. The election campaign will be a three-way battle, not a two-way one. That's not exactly ideal for a party and a leader who want to form the next Quebec government. There's a long way to go. It's always possible, but I don't think it's very likely. And there you have it.
Beauchemin : Un petit cadeau pour Rodriguez.
Lundi prochain, Rodriguez annoncera officiellement que Beauchemin se retire de la course et rejoint Rodriguez. C'est un petit cadeau pour Pablo, étant donné que certains organisateurs de Beauchemin refusent catégoriquement de se rallier à Rodriguez.
Pablo est nettement en avance dans la course, mais il est loin d'être le candidat de cinquante et un pour cent du caucus libéral. Il en va de même pour les membres du parti. Rodriguez a encore beaucoup de travail à accomplir pour rallier les indécis. La question est de savoir s'il existe un autre candidat vedette à venir, et si c'est le cas, Rodriguez a encore beaucoup à faire pour convaincre les indécis. Si la réponse est non, Rodriguez a de bonnes chances de devenir le prochain chef. En revanche, si un candidat vedette apparaît, nous pourrions assister à une campagne menée par quelqu'un d'autre que Pablo. C'est là que réside le danger pour la campagne de Rodriguez. Nous le verrons dans les mois à venir. Ma conclusion est très simple : sans l'émergence d'un autre candidat d'envergure au Québec, Pablo sera le prochain chef.
Il faut se rappeler que la direction du Parti libéral n'est pas très prestigieuse par les temps qui courent. La campagne électorale sera une bataille à trois et non à deux. Ce n'est pas exactement l'idéal pour un parti et un chef qui souhaitent former le prochain gouvernement au Québec. En effet, le chemin à parcourir est très long. C'est toujours possible, mais je ne crois pas que ce soit très probable. Et voilà.
God Bless Chrétien. Happy Birthday!
Clark Lacks Judgment And Is Incredibly Tone Deaf On Proper Leadership Political Strategy.
Friday, 10 January 2025
Joly And So Many Others Will Quickly Drop Like Flies.
Carney: The Mouse That Roared.
Thursday, 9 January 2025
Tuesday, 7 January 2025
Re: Kinsella: My latest: the contenders.
Carney's Advisors Aren't Worth Two Shits.
Handicap Time And Lay Of The Land.
Monday, 6 January 2025
Moron Trump: Maybe Canada And Greenland Can Pay For The Wall! What An Idiot He Is.
Next Election: The ONLY Certainty.
Pierre's Massive Challenge: To Come Off As Caesar's Wife.
I'm No Longer A Liberal But If I Was...I Would Want Clark.
Put succinctly, the main goal of Liberals must be to expand their seat base and only Clark can do that west of the Lakehead. That's it, in a nutshell.