Saturday, 25 January 2025

Most Of Trudeau's Cabinet Is Lining Up Behind Carney.

If my name is Pierre, I would be beyond thrilled. This script practically writes itself. It's bad enough for the Liberals that Carney is the elitist's elitist but now at least a plurality of Trudeau's cabinet is actively egging him on. Anand is for Carney. Champagne's endorsement is coming next. Man, oh, man, what a precious gift for the CPC!

Most ministers won't support Freeland because many of them think Freeland kick-started the process that led to Trudeau's demise. They blame Freeland, rather than Trudeau, for continued Liberal unpopularity and chaos. You know what they say in politics: don't shoot the messenger but many Liberals want to do so. That means Freeland is already in trouble and clearly running behind. 

For his part, Carney is intensively working on his French not that it will help him much in Quebec. Even in this province, most people want to see the back of the Liberals. They want change and that means Poilièvre, at least at the national level. Undoubtedly, the CPC will also make gains in Quebec.

What good fortune for Pierre. Running against Carney is like waking up from a pleasant dream.

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