Saturday, 25 January 2025

Carney: You'll See His Policy By The End Of The Week.

In other words, Carney has no policy and is counting on other people to come up with it. Put another way, Carney has been in the UK for so long, that he personally knows diddly about Canadian policy on anything. That's why there are no press conferences or interviews that would show Carney to be out of his depth. Let's be clear, he's far more rusty than Ignatieff and isn't a quick learner on the job like Michael was.

So, this must frustrate Freeland to no end, who is a policy master. I guess she doesn't know her colleagues very well: for Liberals, power is the only thing. Their choice of leader is certainly not based on what is best for Canada or even the party -- what it's all about for these politicians is who can advance their individual careers the best and in their estimation, that means Carney. What a cynical and self-serving bunch these Carney supporters are. But it ain't all bad, at least they aren't TheCaptainOfCynicismTM. That title and dishonour rests with Doug Ford, to blatantly steal one from Andrew Coyne. 

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