Sunday, 17 March 2024

Americans Play Right Into Putin's Hands.

Putin can't wait for November 5th. It will be a day when the United States rips itself apart and becomes even more polarized than it already is -- in an ideal world, neither Biden nor Trump would have been selected as a party nominee because of the way each is literally hated by the other's partisans and supporters. This has become a blood feud with no room for compromise or accommodation. In short, down the path the United States will go to a likely civil war, no matter who wins.

Like I said a million times before, the day the average, every day, American decided to put cult and party above country is the day that America was destroyed as an effective force for good over evil. Trump and, yes, even Biden are far too polarizing to be nominees. Neither should be running again in 2024.

Meanwhile, guess who's sitting in Moscow waiting for the most divisive results in American electoral history. Picture it: Americans are bitterly divided and violent skirmishes start to break out across the United States. Whoever wins the election, and right now it looks like Trump, will have to deal with this where potentially millions of innocent Americans will end up being victims of violence from one side's supporters or the other. 

So...hello! With America distracted, the road will be open for Putin to invade NATO in Europe if he so chooses. The United States will be unable to stop him due to the violence and chaos at home. This is the nirvana scenario for Putin: he's watching the average American practically tearing his or her shirt or blouse off in favour of their side. He just can't wait for the election. It'll be a great day for Putin. 

As a result, WWIII will come a lot faster than otherwise would have been the case. But without American help, unlike the last two times, Europe will be doomed. Democracy is a cause that can only survive and prosper when the United States takes the lead. If my name is Putin, I'm probably already broadly smiling...

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