Saturday, 9 November 2024

Fucking Morons: Trump Is Good For The Stock Market? Nope.

First off, there's absolutely no intelligence on Wall Street as has been amply demonstrated over time. 2008, with the banking and insurance crisis, proved that beyond a shadow of a doubt.

And now the morons are all cheering Trump's election by buying in a feeding frenzy stocks that are already way overvalued when measured against individual company fundamentals. So inevitably, new nominal all-time highs are ahead before the all but certain crash and economic recession.

The idiots can't see past their faces -- Trump, otherwise known as President-elect KingLoserTM can't properly manage a lemonade stand, much less the economy. Last time, he got lucky as quality candidates were prepared to serve in his Administration. Not this time. Most of those who get jobs will be totally unqualified ideologues, boot-lickers, ass-kissers and assorted other incompetents. In other words, a perfect reflection of the President-elect. 

Watch what Trump does at The Federal Reserve. If he gives Powell the rapid heave-ho, then we're already in trouble from the get-go. Trump will come into office with a conception of N-O-T-H-I-N-G, so his Administration will likely be a political and economic disaster. 

As goes The Fed, so will the country. Debt and deficits are no longer remotely manageable. Even interest on the debt is no longer payable in full. Inevitably, inflation must come roaring back to inflate away on-book and off-book liabilities. Trump's unprofessional policy stances will only egg that on and much sooner than most people think. The TrumpRecessionTM is coming in less than twelve months. Watch the Bond Market tell the tale of what's rapidly heading down the pike. Why does buyer's remorse immediately come to mind?

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