Wednesday, 20 November 2024

House Republicans Have No Honor Or Respect On Trans Issues.

Bathrooms. The new lightning rod for House Republicans. One of their colleagues is a trans-women and Republicans don't want her using female gender restrooms. They point out that each member has a private bathroom and can use various unisex restrooms on Capitol Hill.

Representative-elect McBride says she'll respect House rules. But what exactly are House Republicans afraid of? They say parents want their children to feel safe in restrooms. They also say that women want to feel safe in bathrooms of their sex. The idiot MTG even says that she would physically fight to keep a trans-woman out of a female bathroom.

Of course, all of this is bullshit. What the House Republicans are really peddling is the unspoken sub-text that they think but dare not say: an overall presumption that all trans people are sex fiends and mentally deranged and therefore prone to attack other people, which is not the case. It's beyond laughable how out and out ignorant they are. Really, is it really the daily plan of a trans Representative to come off the House floor and then assault bathroom goers at all or regularly? Total bullshit but that's ignorance for you. Trans people have character just like non-trans people, they also have morals and are known to be decent people but No, House Republicans go out of their way not to see that. 

Here's my question for male House Republicans: if you insist that McBride or others use the male bathroom, what are you going to do when she walks in? Are you going to watch her use the facilities, or will you at least have enough respect to leave that bathroom while a trans person who was born male uses the facility? It's about honor and respect for the individual, a concept that few House Republicans know anything about. 

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