Saturday, 30 November 2024

What Democrats Need To Win: Another Bill Clinton Or Tony Blair.

Let's start with an uncomfortable fact: 13.2 million registered Democrats didn't vote. That's the only reason why Trump won. Remember that DictactorOneTM only won the popular vote by a measly 1.6 percent. So, ask yourselves why Harris lost? Part of it was sexism and misogyny but that's not the real reason. Harris lost because she couldn't shed her true progressive values. No matter how hard she tried, Harris couldn't come off as genuinely centrist and moderate. THAT'S why people stayed home in droves and primarily why she lost. 

The far-left à la Newsom or AOC would love to take over the party and so far they're well on their way. But that's a losing game, even in 2026 and probably in 2028. Non-voting Democrats want a centrist-moderate leader. That's what it takes to get them off their ass. The Democratic Party needs to seriously realign itself toward the center or it can forget the White House for years to come. Clinton did it with New Democrats and Blair with New Labour. Now it's the party's turn again. 

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