Saturday, 19 October 2024

Trudeau: Warren Tries Again!

Warren is trying again to get this Prime Minister to see reason and leave, both in the best interest of the country and his former party. I've got to say that I admire his persistence, though it's unfortunately probably in vain.

Trudeau is the Canadian Trump -- it's all about Trudeau and nothing else -- it's about what Trudeau wants, not what Canadians want. Trudeau doesn't give a shit what Canadians think. His overly massaged ego and inflated sense of pride want a kick at the can known as Poilièvre. No one in Canada thinks Trudeau can beat the former in the next election but Justin thinks he can! Well, theoretically at least it's possible.

On Wednesday as the Liberals caucus, the dissidents will try to get Trudeau to go. He won't voluntarily given that at least a plurality of caucus is not yet prepared to force him out, as incredible as that may sound. Some will be bought off with newly minted cabinet posts while others will have all the strength of a tower of JelloTM. So...the dissident MPs have their work cut out for them, even with the closet support of several hypocritical cabinet members who smile in Justin's face while yielding the knife in the direction of his back. Sound familiar? Think back to Chrétien and the power-hungry Martinites. 

Now, let's get real: there's a reason why you quickly squandered your first government, the majority one. You and your PMO foolishly made promises to Kinsella and then reneged on them. Not smart. You could have had one of the best if not the BEST war-roomer in Canada running things. But No, your guys and gals were smarter and more politically savvy than Warren. short, without Kinsella, you and your party were doomed to minority status, period. And I'll go further, but for the ineptness of Scheer and later O'Toole, you probably would have been out of power in 2019.

And now that your party is basically at death's door, you still won't apologize to Kinsella and ask him to take the reins, provided he's still willing to save your sorry ass. Can anyone be more stupid than Trudeau? Apparently not. 

Again, I admire Warren's tenacity and good, common sense. But that seemingly will never work on a Trudeau. Justin has made his bed and will now get to lie in it unless a bunch of signatures on two pages somehow manages to rid the Liberals of an overstaying liability. 

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