Sunday, 20 October 2024

Who Won The BC Election?

That's an easy one: there is only one winner and they're called the Greens. The other two parties lost. Neither likely can form government without the Greens and it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out where this is going.

The two other parties have some positives: for the incumbent NDP, they're one seat ahead of the Conservatives and they won the popular vote. So what. This seat count is a repudiation of the NDP. It very much feels like a last gasp. The Conservatives seemingly came from almost nowhere to form more than likely the official opposition which is also an achievement. But enough of British Columbians voted other ways to deny them the crown. So, it's not a win for them either. 

Eby sounds conciliatory and humbled. He should. He also looks like a guy who knows that the fix is in if he can convince the Greens. Rustad on the other hand is still all fire and bluster promising to topple a potential NDP government at the earliest opportunity: that could potentially go great for Conservatives or be a total disaster. He'll have to take his cue from British Columbians. He had better not cross them if he wants to form government in the future.

So, in essence, both parties lost. One needs to be propped up to potentially survive and the other just couldn't get there. Nothing to boast about for either the left or the right. It ended up as nothing more than a political dog's breakfast. No wonder the Greens are all smiles. 

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