Sunday 13 October 2024

Why Trump Is Already Done As Dinner.

Let's start with the obvious: consistently, the most effective Trump opponent has been Trump himself. By a country mile. He's been far better at taking down the Trump campaign than Harris, Walz or the Democrats. This guy is bound and determined to show every American who he is and that's a huge gain for Democrats.

Add to the mix the fact that Trump's advisers have been begging him to stay on a winning message: the economy, inflation, cost of living, etc. But No, not Trump. He's decided that he's going to win the election by demonizing immigrants and treating them as sub-human. Yeah, always a winning political strategy...

Make no mistake, immigration is right at the top as a campaign issue and preoccupation of voters but almost all want immigrants to be treated with dignity and basic human respect. Not Trump.

Moving on to point two: Trump's rapidly deteriorating mental health: with each passing day, he becomes more unhinged and delusional. Trump is proving to the world that he's no longer fit mentally to serve as president or commander-in-chief. It's obvious to all sentient voters. It partially explains why his stands begin to empty mid-speech. Lots of his supporters recognize that he's already headed off the deep end and so they leave quietly.

Then there's the key reason why Trump will lose: it's called polling that is totally off the mark. There's no way that this race is competitive and within the margin of error for two reasons. First off, most people have cell phones and they likely don't answer numbers they don't recognize. And then there's the fact that internet polling is notoriously unreliable as the poll tends to skew in the direction of the website or v-blog that's doing the so-called polling.

So, add it all up and it means that Trump is about to LOSE BIG. They say we all make our own bed in life and Trump certainly has. A Harris landslide is on the way, mostly thanks to Trump.

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