Friday 27 September 2024

Has Netanyahu Killed Nasrallah?

This is by far the worst strategic blunder committed by Netanyahu. Using bunker-busters to annihilate most of Hezbollah's top leadership, perhaps including Nasrallah himself. If Nasrallah is dead as some Israeli sources are reporting, this is the horrible precursor for an all-out war on a second front. Hezbollah will now consider Israel as a blood enemy and they will go to whatever lengths that are required to inflict a terrible toll on Israel and her people. 

We're talking a blitz here, a combination of rockets, missiles and perhaps hypersonic missiles courtesy of Iran. La riposte that is coming is likely to be merciless and unforgiving. Despite Iron Dome, David's Sling and other anti-missile defenses, Israel will likely rue the day that this operation was carried out. 

This quite literally will be a fight to the death with countless civilians and other innocents likely dying on both sides. Hezbollah's response will make what Hamas has done in the way of terrorist operations look like nothing compared to what's coming. 

In the end, if you're searching for a durable peace and a better life for Israelis and all those others in the region, you make peace with your blood enemies and terrorists. These raids have destroyed the little hope that still existed for a comprehensive peace in the Middle East. Those efforts are now doomed as doomed can be. What's coming next will shock and disgust civilians on both sides. Israel likely will pay a terrible price for conducting these operations. Acts of incredible vengeance are probably on the way.

Netanyahu has betrayed his own people. Israel has never been more vulnerable in its history than it is now. National security is at an all-time low. Israelis can only blame Netanyahu for that. 

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