Sunday 29 September 2024

KinsellaCast 329.


-I will keep saying it until I die: fire all of the CBC television news directors across the country and replace them with real impartial journalists, not ones who'll become our CPC suck-offs. And fire Tait's sorry ass. She really comes off as being in the bag for them.

-Like was reported elsewhere, Trudeau will likely lose his seat in the next election. So deserving of that he is. We will win a huge majority as long as Pierre doesn't screw it up in the campaign. 

-Brian...they're not dancing in the streets in Iran. Netanyahu wasn't satisfied with a one-front war. Now he's got a three-front war but he won't be happy until he has a four-front war, which will finally be his political undoing. Netanyahu has called up reservists so he can go into Lebanon. Yes, no one in the West misses Nasrallah. But that's beside the point if you're really concerned about Israel's national security. Lebanon will be Bibi's Vietnam. It didn't go very well for Begin and Sharon last time, or the time before.

-Nasrallah was somewhat of a political pragmatist. But he wasn't conducive to a possible peace process. But as John says, who will replace him? Probably by someone much worse. If Israel goes for the nukes, it's WWWIII. Netanyahu will fall short of that if he's smart. Mossad most likely has already informed him that Iran already has crude nuclear devices, dirty bombs. You don't fuck with that if you have any sense. But then this IS Bibi we're talking about. Anything is on the table to possibly stay out of jail. Netanyahu is a mini-Trump who only cares about himself. End of story.

-The NDP and BQ are naive suckers. Trudeau will play both of them and prorogue. And since Harper did it twice, Conservative protests and outrage will ring hollow, hypocritical and self-serving. 

-Even if Trudeau leaves, the CPC still wins the election. Liberals, under a new leader, will only be more competitive but still lose unless Pierre makes a major mistake.

-This is the prime minister who supposedly isn't stupid.

-Warren, also technically born a Quebecois, has more French than the Governor General. I guess she's on an extended "break" from her French lessons...disgraceful. 

-Abortion sank Scheer who is pro-life. A two-faced O'Toole sunk O'Toole. Pierre is pro-choice.


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