Wednesday 18 September 2024

Quebec: Stay Or Go?

Well, the comments over at Warren's website can't go unaddressed IMHO:


Yup, few of us adore Pierre but he's competent and that's not only good enough for me but also a step up from the current prime minister. Glad to see you're proud of your French heritage. Most people in English Canada don't give a shit about the country remaining united anymore. All that does is ensure that St-Pierre Plamondon wins his referendum, which should take place in his second mandate, not the first.


Couillard and Legault have asked for specific powers, none of which have been transferred to Quebec. So much for the Liberals servicing Quebec. If we separate it'll be a wash: no more equalization and no more paying federal taxes.


The Americans will recognize a sovereign Quebec. They have not and will not interfere in our internal affairs.


Again, what powers have been transferred from Ottawa to Quebec. N-O-N-E. You need to contact Harper. He, as a student of Quebec will tell you quite frankly that the Bloc teetering had nothing to do with his government. Quebecers were looking for a political alternative and found none that was politically acceptable. Harper will also remind you how his successive governments never got more than 10-12 seats in one turned to the CPC as the logical alternative. Later, the Trudeau Liberals were found wanting and people moved back solidly behind the Bloc. That's the real story. As for the laughable Clarity Act, stemming from Harper's thinking, it means zero. If Yes wins a referendum, Ottawa has two choices: accept and negotiate a departure or fight, which no government will do on Quebec's territory. The CA is unadulterated bullshit. As for Poilièvre, he won't be following Pedant's advice. He cares about Quebec staying in the federation and that's why he will spend considerable time and resources in this province to win as many seats as possible. Finally, absolutely agree that the Liberals are stuck with Trudeau. Lucky them!


No one ever said that powers transferred to Quebec couldn't also be transferred to the other provinces but the little secret is that both Harper and Trudeau didn't want to transfer any substantial powers to the provinces, period. Harper stuck with the Triple E Senate bullshit. He had nothing else to offer any of the provinces. Churchill Falls can't be cancelled. It's a contract upheld by the courts.


Are you stupid or what? The CPC is the only other national party capable of forming government and as such must reinforce the binational character of Canada. A Conservative government without legitimate and respectable representation in Quebec is politically illegitimate. Why do you think Harper made so much effort in Quebec? Harper instinctively knew that and so does Pierre. The latter was a representative government that represents all regions and binational characteristics. Pierre will be like Harper and make considerable efforts in Quebec. And if Quebec goes, other provinces will inevitably follow. It will be more advantageous for them to join the United States than to remain in a bifurcated what is left of Canada. Thank God Pierre is smart enough to already know this.



In theory, any judgment can be challenged but this is a SCOC decision. The case concerns a private company and a government crown corporation. The contract was drawn up under Quebec Civil Law. Long story short, the court majority ruled that the terms of the contract were not violated by Hydro-Quebec reselling the power at higher prices to third parties. IMHO, were Quebec to separate that would change nothing as the judgment is rendered under Quebec Civil Law. Then there's the question of leave to appeal, which is not possible in this case. This is a final judgment in Canadian law. No more Privy Council in London to appeal to. 

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